About us

Handsworth Foodbank is a member of the Trussell Trust Foodbank Network and works in partnership with the Sheffield Foodbank Network.

Handsworth Foodbank, founded in 2013, works in partnership with local churches, charities, statutory and non-statutory organisations and agencies to provide emergency food for local people in crisis.

Handsworth Foodbank issues food parcels on a referral only basis on the presentation of a voucher which are issued by professionals from statutory and voluntary organisations such as doctors, health visitors, social workers, Citizens Advice Bureau staff, welfare officers, who identify people in crisis. Clients then bring their voucher to the foodbank where it can be exchanged for a supply of emergency food.

Handsworth Foodbank relies on food donations to feed local people in crisis and has various collection points around the community, including the local supermarket. Food donations can be brought to the foodbank during our opening hours.

Handsworth foodbank is run by volunteers who are passionate about loving people and serving their community and who give their time and energy to meeting the needs of individuals and families in the local area.

For more information you can visit our Trussell Trust webpage

We are passionate about making a difference in people’s lives and providing financial aid to make this happen is essential. If you are in a position and would like to support a very worthy cause which is close to our hearts, please follow the Donate button above. Thank you so much for your generosity

We are passionate about making a difference in our local community. Providing food to those who desperately need it is . If you are in a position and would like to support this worthy cause please click the donate button below.

Or if you would like to make a regular donation you can set up a direct debit to:

Account Number: 38816637, Sort Code: 05-08-28.


Get in touch.

If you would like to know more about what we do or if you would like to volunteer or make a food donation fill in this contact form and one of the team will get in touch